Who are we
Sukkat Shalom B'nei Noach
Only together can we build a home for Hashem

Rabbi Tani Burton, from Israel, studied at R.I.E.T.S. under Rabbi Yehuda Parnes, shlita, and Rabbi Gershon Yankelowitz, zt”l. He later learned under Rabbi Dovid Miller at the Gruss Kollel in Jerusalem, where he received semichah (rabbinic ordination). Rabbi Burton completed his graduate studies in the Wurzweiler School of Social Work, earning an MSW in clinical social work. He trained for several years at the Viktor Frankl Institute under Dr. Teria Shantall, a close student of Dr. Frankl, and received a Clinical Diplomate in Logotherapy. He has worked in clinical, educational, and chaplaincy settings for over two decades and has been a presenter at mental health conferences and training workshops internationally. In addition, he has written Torah curricula on many subjects, which are used by rabbis around the world. Rabbi Burton is a regular lecturer at the PATH Center, located in Jerusalem, where he also maintains a private psychotherapy practice. Director from Sukkat Shalom B’nei Noach.
Angelique Sijbolts, along with Rabbi Tani Burton, co-founded Sukkat Shalom Bnei Noach with the mission of promoting awareness of the Seven Noahide Commandments and their details while also fostering a supportive community. Angelique has a diverse background, having worked with elderly individuals with dementia, with children with special needs and currently as a teacher at a regular primary school. For Dutch Noahides, she has translated works such as “Go(od) for You” and “The Seven Gates of Righteousness Knowledge.” Additionally, she contributes to the website by writing supervised blogs and offers Hebrew language instruction for those interested in learning. Manager of Sukkat Shalom Bnei Noach.

Rabbi Tuvia Serber is an Orthodox, Hasidic rabbi, linked to the Chabad Lubavitch movement. He studied and worked in Morristown, New Jersey, and Miami, Florida, both in the United States, in preparation for the task of spreading the teachings of our holy Torah in the light of the Hasidic philosophy of Chabad Lubavitch.
For 20 years he was the Rebbe’s envoy in the city of La Plata, founding a complete synagogue, with a Mikveh and everything necessary to live a Jewish life. In those years he advised and helped hundreds of people through all kinds of moments in their lives, the easy ones and the difficult ones, serving as spiritual and psychological support. He was born in Buenos Aires in November 1974. He lives in Buenos Aires and is an integral part of the Chabad community there. Over the years he has specialized in matters of the message of Judaism for non-Jews: Bnei Noach. He also created a YouTube channel with a lot of content on that subject, in addition to hundreds of hours of classes on Hasidic discourses and Talmudic tractates. He is also dedicated to App programming and made one especially for Bnei Noach. He teaches at the girls’ seminary and the Machon Or Chaia for adult women, as well as offering individual and group classes around the world and is a Teacher for Sukkat Shalom Bnei Noach.
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