בס”ד The Torah says that there are
Pray For The Peace of Israel
Sukkat Shalom is an international community of B'nei Noach - Noahides Connected to Orthodox Judaism
He – God – did not create it – the world – a waste, but formed it for habitation
לֹא־תֹ֥הוּ בְרָאָ֖הּ לָשֶׁ֣בֶת יְצָרָ֑הּ
Noahides believe that Hashem – God – created the world with His Word and that He is constantly involved in His Creation. He desires a habitable world in which He can dwell in order to have a living relationship with us. In order for the world to be a habitable place, He has given us the Sheva Mitzvot Bnei Noach, Seven main Categories of commandments.
Believe in God – Respect His Name – Respect Life – Respect Family Life – Respect Others Property – Respect Animal Life – Live by Laws and Justic
It can be overwhelming to discover the new way of life of a Noahide there is so much to learn. It can also be a tremendously lonely road, one that it seems, that you walk all by yourself. Sukkat Shalom aims to give people a safe community where they can learn from and with each other through reliable information sources and where they can connect with each other both online and – where possible – physically.
בס”ד Responsible Speech: When and How? Speaking
בס”ד Yitro (Exodus 18-20 ) This week’s Torah portion
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Join our Tehillim group. How incredible that we are already at the ninth cycle. What strength and motivation it gives to pray together in this way.