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Tehillim Prayer Group


The moment people recognize G-d as Creator, King and Father, it is logic to want to serve G-d. One does this by observing the 7 Noahide Commandments, and its details, to the best of one’s ability. The 7 Commandments do not include a direct commandment to pray. But the basis foundation of prayer is the explicit recognition of the One G-d, which is one of the 7 Commandments. It is the recognition that G-d, as Director of the World, is watching over him, and over everything in the creation.[1]

We see the Mitzvah of Prayer for Noahides in Isaiah 56:7:

My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples

Rabbi Moshe Weiner writes[2]:

The main part of the service of the heart and mind is prayer. Therefore one should always pray before G-d, to make requests to Him for alle of his needs, and he should thank and praise Hi always according to his ability.

Rabbi Moshe Weiner writes[3]:

Unlike Jews, Noahides have no set liturgy which they are obligated to follow. Rather, each individual can pray in his own words, in a language that he understands. It is proper to include recitations of excerpts from the Book of Psalms-Tehillim by King David, of blessed memory, since the Psalms are all prayers to G-d that were composed with holy inspiration and encompasse all the essential needs and righteous spiritual emotions that people have.[4]

Sukkat Shalom Bnei Noach has started a Tehillim Prayer Whatsapp Group – which is dedicated to the father and brother of our group member Tineke.

The purpose of the Group is to recite all the Psalms together for 1 specific main purpose. That is, you write in the app which Psalms you have recited. For example, “2-4” the next person then starts at Psalm 5 and then writes down, for example, “5-6” etc.

The topic for prayer changes every cycle. See the homepage for this cycle’s topic or see the list below.

The app can also be written in if you want someone to recite a specific Psalm for you. For example, “Pray for me Psalm 15”. (The Whatsapp Group is not for discussion or questions. That is what the general GroupsApp of Sukkat Shalom Bnei Noach is for.)

Any Psalm can be prayed for any occasion. It is beneficial to consider which Psalm speaks to you the most, which you feel most connected to in a given scenario, and then pray it.

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Some people want to know if they can say specific Psalms for specific events.

A list of probable suggestions

Need a Boost / or for the Sick Person
20, 6, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 28,30, 31,32,33,37, 38, 39,41,49, 55, 56, 69, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 102, 103, 104, 107, 116, 118, 142, 143, 148

Recovery from llness
2, 3, 6, 13, 30, 39, 41, 84, 88, 89,103, 141, 142, 143, 144, 147

Turn Challenges

1, 2, 3, 4, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 47, 72, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93, 104, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150

Protection of a newborn

For a child who is crying
8, 9

Thank G-d for Mircales

Praise/ Faith
23, 29, 33, 40, 41, 66, 80, 90, 105, 107, 113, 146, 150

Lift Your Spirits

Day of Marriage

Help in Hard Times
16, 20, 25, 26, 38,, 54, 81, 85, 86, 87, 102,130,142

5, 7, 10, 11, 18, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 35, 36, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 54, 55, 58, 60, 74, 79, 83, 88, 91, 94, 100, 104, 109, 110, 116, 119, 123, 125, 129

Aks for G-d’s Guidance
16, 17, 139

Repentence/ Teshuva
51, 62,75,90, 106, 130, 135, 136

To have Children
102, 103

21, 34, 64, 91

For Favorable Judgement
7, 38, 93

For Success
17, 57, 63, 65, 78,82, 93,108, 112, 114m 115, 122


14, 37, 52, 53, 56, 59, 59, 61, 69, 81, 95, 96, 97, 101, 131, 132, 137, 138,139, 140

To Find One’s Spouse
32, 38, 70, 71, 121, 124

For Financial Help
23, 104, 128, 145

To Express Gratitude
9, 21, 57, 95, 116, 138

55, 145

Gratitude / request
17, 18, 23, 30, 33, 42, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70-72, 92, 100, 104, 105, 107, 108, 111, 114, 124, 136, 145-150

Tehillim for Peace

End of Jewish Exile/ Mashiach
42, 45, 67, 68, 73, 126

For a deceased person
23, 49, 139

At a Cemetery
33, 16, 72, 91, 104, 130, 119

For when Eretz Yisrael is in Danger
83, 130, 142

For the Israeli Soldiers
13, 20, 70, 71, 72, 111, 113, 125,130, 150

Prayer of time in of fear and distress – times of war
20, 83, 91, 121, 130, 142, 144, 129

Use a Tehillim Book in Hebrew or English or a correct translation into your own language.

Above-named Psalms can be found in, for example, the App of Psalms 4 All , TehillimForAll or Tehillim The latter is a good App to pray in together, if you are able to read the Tehillim in Hebrew.

The topics of the different prayer rounds were

80 – L-rd, You remember Your covenant with Israel in all their challenges, and show them Your mercy. Save them, gather them, and be near to them, that they may praise Your holy name forever. Amen. (Inspired by Tehillim 106)

79 – L-rd, give Israel a banner to lift itself up in Your truth. Save Your people, Your beloved ones, and deliver Israel with Your mighty right hand. Hear our prayer and bring salvation (Inspired by Tehillim 60:6-7)
78 – We pray for wisdom and self-control to guard our words, especially in the presence of evil and temptation. (Inspired by Tehillim 39:2)
77 – L-rd, hear our prayer and grant health to our community, just as You provide strength and protection, as it is written: ‘May the L-rd answer you in the day of trouble.’ (Inspired by Tehillim 20)
76 – L-rd, You are great in majesty and care, let my soul praise You for Your creation (Inspired by Tehillim 104)
75th cycle: “L-rd, answer the hostages with Your true deliverance, rescue them from deep waters and their distress”
Inspired by Tehillim 69:14
74 – Thank You, L-rd, for the blessing of peace You give to Your people. Let Your peace reign in our hearts, our homes, and our communities. (Inspired by Tehillim 29)
73 – May Your light break through this night, as in Psalm 30; deliver Your people with Chanukah from all darkness, and let the light shine ever brighter in the world. (Inspired by Chanukah)
72 – May we witness miracles in the days of Chanuka, as in ancient times, so that the light may shine brighter and the joy increase ( Inspired by Chanukah)
71 – May we soon reach the Messianic era, where we shall praise ad glorify the L-RD with the ten strings of joy and harmony. (Inspired by Tehillim 33:2)
70 May He Who makes peace in His Heavens make true and lasting peace for us and for all Israel. May the terrorists and terrorist organizations sponsored by Iran permanently lay down their weapons and accept that You, L-rd, gave the Land of Israel to the Jewish people as their eternal inheritance and possession. May we soon see the day when all will know and accept that You rule over the entire earth.” (Inspired by Tehillim 46:11)
69 – L-rd, see my enemies and their unjust hatred toward me; protect my soul, rescue me, and let me not be ashamed, for I have sought refuge in You.” (Inspired by Tehilllim 25:19-20)
68 L-rd, shelter Your people and those who stand near them under Your wings; deliver them from the traps of their pursuers and protect them from harm (Inspired by Tehilllim 91-3-6)
67 – L-rd, protect Zion with Your might, that the nations may stand astonished and see Your greatness in this generation. (Inspired by Tehillim 48)
66 – L-rd, our G-d, You are the One who goes with Israel and fights for them against their enemies. Deliver them and the world from war, and let all accept Your Kingship.” (Inspired by Deuteronomy 20:4, Zephaniah 3:9)
65 – L-rd, remember us Noahides who pray for the redemption of Your people and love them with a sincere heart, that we may partake in Your grace and salvation. (Inspired by Tehillim 106:4)
64 – G-d, Redeemer of Israel, in Your eternal goodness and unfailing love, draw near to those who acknowledge You as King. Inspired by Isaiah 54:8
63 – The Eternal will be King over the whole earth; on that day the Eternal will be One and His name will ve One. Inspired by Zecharia 145:9
62 – Lord we thank you, exalted and holy, for looking down from Your high throne, and guiding us with Love.* Inspired by Tehillim 113:5
61 – Hashem, let not the scepter of the wicked rest upon the land You have allotted to the righteous.(Inspired by Tehillim 125:3)
60 – HaShem incline Your ear to Your people Israel hear their prayers for the protection of the soldiers and the release of the hostages. We all trust that You will answer their cries of distress (Inspired by Tehillim 116:2)
59 – May our words be just, And our hands do good. (Inspired by Tehillim 58:2-3)
58 – Let us pray for grace in our speech, that our words may bless others as G-d has blessed us
(Inspired by Tehillim 45:3)
57 – Hashem, as the Father of the Jewish people, have compassion on them and on all who fear Your name. (Inspired by Tehillim 103:13)
56 – G-d will rescue Israel, He will protect them and bring them peace, He will show His salvation (Inspired by Tehillim 91:15-16)
55 – L-rd, we pray that You, G-d, who frees the captives, will soon liberate those who are held hostage and reunite them with their families, bringing an end to their suffering. (Inspired by Tehillim 146:7)
54 – Praise the LORD for His eternal love and goodness. Let all who trust in Him declare His steadfast love. Let Israel experience that He is their refuge and they need not fear. (Inspired by Tehillim 118:1-6)
53 – O L-rd, restore the land of Israel, forgive its sins, fully return to Your beloved people, and let your faithfulness and justice fluorish. Inspired by Tehillim 85
52 – Praise the L-RD, for His command created and sustains all creation, His splendor covering all. (Inspired by Tehillim 148:4-13)
51 – God’s commandments are a beacon of light in the world. May they guide us in our daily lives so that we may soon witness the Holiness of the Third Temple. (Inspired by Tehillim 94: 4-5)
50 – L-rd, You have chosen Jacob and Israel as Your treasured possession. Your greatness surpasses all gods. You have defeated nations. Champion Your people, and reign forever. (Inspired by Tehillim 136)
49 – HaShem will save His people from the fierce enemy, from foes too strong for humans.(Inspired by Tehillim 18:18)
48 – Give ear, O Hashem. Rescue Your people, O Hashem, from evil men who plot war every day, for You are their Deliverance (Inspired by Tehillim 140)
47 – L-RD, may we trust in You like Mount Zion, immovable and surrounded by Your eternal embrace, now and forever. (Inspired by Tehillim 125)
46 – Guard Your dove, remember Your humble ones, for You are faithful to Your covenant. (Inspired by Tehillim 74)
45. – May Hashem, our God, lead us on a straight path and teach us to do His will. (Inspired by Tehillim 143)
44 – To personal
43 – It was He Who struck many nations and killed mighty kings, it is He Who will Israel who will make Israel dwell in peace in her inheritance Inspired by Tehillim 135:10
42 – Let the world pray: protect Your servant Israel, we, Jews and Noahides trust in You Hashem (Inspired by Tehillim 86:2)
41 – G-d, You have shown Your nation harshness, oh G-d restore your nation! (Inspired by Tehillim 60:4-5)
40 – That G-d may give Israel the triumph, that He will trample Israel’s enemies so that the hostages come home and the war may end (Tehillim 60:14)
39 – That Israel and the goyim may repent and call to Him for forgiveness.
38 – That Israel will increase Torah/spiritual instruction/study for its citizens with emphasis on the youth.
37 – Hashem judge the inhabited world justly and the peoples with His faith.
36 – That Hashem may awake for the sake of mount Zion that He loved, and build His sanctuary. (Tehillim 78:69)
35 – Let evil strike the wicked; protect the righteous who take refuge in You. (Tehillim 34:22-23)
34 Prayer for Recognizing Divine Kindness and Truth (Tehillim 57:11)
33 – Purim Prayer for Israel’s Triumph: Celebrating Victory with Strength and Determination.
32 – That All Israel may inquire after Hashem, seek Him earnestly, turn back to Him, remember that the Most High is their Rock and their Redeemer.31-May anyone who actis in the spirit of Haman be swept away into oblivion.
30 – That our expressions from our mouths and the thughts from our hearts be pleasing to Hashem.
29 – That Hashem put some light into the hearts of the hostages after being captive for so long. So that they feel people are fighting for them.
28 – Lets grow up spiritually together.
27 – For all people grieving that their hearts should find comfort in HaShem.
26 – That the time of Messiah may dawn and all may stand near the Third Temple
25 – That Noahides may discern the beauty and honour of Israel and may love, help and defend Israel
24 – That we may become individuals who truly contribute to the improvement of the world, through words or actions.
23 – For the hostages and the (young soldiers) they are in immediate life-and-death danger.
22 – That Israel gets a fair trial in The Hague
21 – Learning to make time for Hitbodedut – personal prayer20 – May the light of the Torah guide us on our journey
19 – May the flaring anti-Semitism be extinguished and blotted out
18 – That all Israel will find comfort and have gratitude to return to Hashem with all their heart.
17 – Hashem protect the Israeli soldiers and bring them back to their family.
16 – Pray for freedom: Bring hostages home, reunite hearts, and restore hope.
15 – Hashem protect the soldiers that defend the land of Israel, and give them exceptional wisdom and skills to accomplish their mission
14 – Praying for swift deliverance, G’d bring back the hostages soon.
13-12 – That the King of Glory may enter the gate of Sion.
11-10 – Peace and protection for Israel.That Hashem want to provide the authorities with guidance on how to respond.
9 – That the whole world may receive healing of traumas that leave the people blocked from the love of the G’d of Israel.
8 – That the war between Ukraine and Russia will stop.
7 – That every soul sincerely returns to Hashem.
6 – That Hashem May Always By With Us.
5 – Pray for Indonesia and the Noahide community.
4 – Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, peace be within the walls and prosperity within they palaces.
3 – That the Jewish people, all over the world, will remain strong in keeping mitzvot and studying Torah.
2 – Tehillim for our direct family members to discover and accept the truth of Torah.
1 – That the Torah may be a light of the nations so that all the nations may return to G’d.

By Tineke and Angelique


[1] Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge by Rabbi Moshe Weiner and Dr. Michael Schulman p. 85
[2] The Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner 4 edition p. 80
[3] Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge by Rabbi Moshe Weiner and Dr. Michael Schulman p. 85
[4] Recommended daily prayers were added in the booklet Prayers, Blessings, Principles of Faith, and Divine Service for Noahides.

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