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February 2024


בס”ד I agree with the heretics. The god they hate so much does not exist: a god who looks through the clouds at a world he once made, and plays with it from the heavens, like a child plays in the sand…Such a god is just another plaything of Man.… Read More »HERESY


Torah Reflections: Conversations on the Weekly Parshah בס”ד Integrating Torah into one’s life through reflection and conversation can be an incredibly fun and engaging experience. It’s a journey of discovery, where ancient wisdom and timeless teachings come to life in our daily experiences. Through reflection, we have the opportunity to… Read More »PARSHAT TERUMAH 5784 – CREATING SPACE FOR G-D


בס”ד By creating the entire universe, G-d made forces that reveal Him and forces that oppose Him: He made light and darkness. Whoever does good brings more light. Whoever fails, feeds the darkness.But whoever fails and then returns, transcends that scheme. He reaches directly to G-d’s Essence. Beyond darkness and… Read More »RETURNING LIGHT


בס”ד Just as some people refuse to see their flaws, there are those who insist on digging too deep, chasing themselves for every mistake and making unreasonable demands on their lives. They eventually collapse in exhaustion or, worse, rebel with resentment.That’s why no one should be alone. Everyone needs a… Read More »THE MENTOR