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April 2024


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Rabbi Nachman teaches, Man’s world consists only of the present. Whatever you can do to serve G-d, do immediately and determinedly without delay. Chayey Moharan #431 Have a wonderful day With permission taken from: Daily Dose Of Rabbi Nachman Follow the link for more “Daily Dose of Rabbi Nachman” © Copyright,… Read More »ONLY OF THE PRESENT


Introduction Good Grains – Inspiration is some practical information for Noahides for Passover and the judgment on the grain crops. Coloring pages ⬆️ By Kimberly See also the blogs on Passover in the section Holidays on this website: HOLIDAYS & REMEMBRANCE DAYSSee for example: PESACH: REDEMPTION THROUGH TORAH AND PRAYER… Read More »GOOD GRAINS – INSPIRATION


בס”ד There are people who do many good things, but with pessimism, because for them the world is an inherently bad place. Since their good deeds have no life for them, who knows how long they will continue to do them? We must know that this world is not a… Read More »THE GARDEN


This coming Shabbat is called Shabbat HaGadol – The Great Sabbath. There are many reasons offered to explain this name. One reason derives from the special Haftarah (passage from the prophets) that is read after the weekly Torah portion in the synagogue. The special reading for Shabbat HaGadol is from… Read More »SHABBAT HAGADOL