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Sukkat Shalom B'nei Noach



Rabbi Nachman teaches,

Many people make the mistake of turning the means through which something comes about into an intermediary between themselves and G-d. They do believe in G-d, but they also believe in the intermediary, saying that we have no option but to depend upon a particular means in order to bring about a certain result. For example, they put their faith in their business activities as the cause of their livelihood, placing all the emphasis on their own endeavors as if G-d would somehow not be able to provide their livelihood without them. Likewise, people put all the emphasis on the means through which a cure comes about – the medicine – as if without medicine G-d does not have the power to heal. That is not so. The Holy One, blessed be He, is the Cause of all causes, and there is absolutely no need for any one particular means. Even while resorting to a given means to try to bring something about, we must believe only in G-d, and not put our faith in the means.

Likutey Moharan I, 62

With permission taken over from: Daily Dose Of Rabbi Nachman

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