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Sukkat Shalom B'nei Noach



Rabbi Nachman teaches,

The destined future renewal of the world will come about through faith.

When the world is renewed in the future, it will be governed through wonders and providence alone in a way that transcends nature. For the future renewal of the world will come about through the land of Israel, which in its very essence depends on “the power of His works” (Psalms 111:6; see Rashi on Genesis 1:1) – namely, knowing that G-d created the world.

And in the future, the Holy One, blessed be He, will renew the entire world through the land of Israel, for then it will be revealed that G-d created everything. The essential holiness of the land of Israel lies in the fact that His providence is there all the time: “Constantly the eyes of HaShem your G-d are upon it from the beginning of the year until the end of the year” (Deuteronomy 11:12 ) . And in time to come, when He renews the entire world through the land of Israel, the entire world will be governed through providence alone, just like the land of Israel. Nature will then be totally nullified and the world will be governed through providence and wonders alone, not according to nature.

A new song will then be aroused: “Sing to G-d a new song, for He has performed wonders” (Psalms 98:1) . This is the song of the future – the song of providence and wonders. For then the world will be governed through providence and wonders. There is a song of nature: ” The heavens tell the glory of G-d and the firmament relates the work of His hands” (Psalms 19: 2 ) . This is the song and melody of nature praising the span of the heavens. These are the songs and praises we offer to G-d over the present order, whereby He governs the world through nature. In the future, however, a new song of providence and wonders will be aroused, for the world will then be governed through providence alone.

This new song of the future is the Single, Double, Triple, and Quadruple song of Kindness through which the future renewal of the world will come about, as it is written: “The world shall be built with kindness” ( Psalms 89:3).

Likutey Moharan II, 8

With permission taken from: Daily Dose Of Rabbi Nachman

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