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Sukkat Shalom B'nei Noach




In the beginning of the book of exodus Jethro is asking his daughters to invite Moses to eat after he saved them: “So where is he? Call him, and let him have something to eat” (Shemot 2:20). Jethro’s act of kindness toward Moses, our teacher, brought him and his family a great blessing. The Torah says that after Jethro’s conversion to Judaism, his descendants were appointed judges close to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, and Jethro’s daughter was married to Moses, our teacher. The act of goodness brought Jethro closer to G-d and the Jewish people. Charity is a moral obligation on every person. Jethro’s act of kindness influenced not only him, but also his descendants for generations to come.

Although doing charity and kindness is not part of the Seven Noahide Commandments, it is a logical obligation and Noahides are also commanded to follow the ways of G-d, who gives abundance to every creature. Examples of kindness that the Noahides should do are visiting the sick, comforting the bereaved, providing food and shelter to the needy, and providing financial support to the poor. Acts of kindness also include greeting others, words of encouragement and comfort, and listening to others with the aim of helping them.

The virtue of charity is very great, and it is said that charity could save us from death. The story of Rabbi Akiva’s daughter and the snake is a well-known example of the power of good deeds and divine providence.

Astrologers predicted that Rabbi Akiva’s daughter would be bitten by a snake and die on her wedding day. On her wedding night, Rabbi Akiva’s daughter, unaware of the astrologer’s prediction, performed an act of kindness. She noticed a poor man at the wedding who was being ignored, and she generously shared her food with him.

At night, she removed a hairpin from her hair and stuck it in the wall. The next morning, as she pulled her hairpin out, a dead venomous snake emerged, revealing that the hairpin that had penetrated the wall had pierced the snake’s eye and brain during the night, killing it. This miraculous event is attributed to her act of kindness. The Talmudic sages said that it is the power of charity (tzedakah) that protects individuals from harm. The story shows that good deeds can have a profound effect and can even protect a person from harm not only for him and his family but for generations to come.

Source: Tractate Shabbat 156:2. Midrash Haggadah Shemot 2:20

By Rabbi Moshe Bernstein

If you want more questions for contemplation, SEE THE OTHER BLOGS FROM RABBI MOSHE BERNSTEIN

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