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Sukkat Shalom B'nei Noach




In this blog, we are going to look at the letter zayin The zayin has the sound “z” as in “Zion”. The gematria is 7 שבע The first association the number seven evokes is often Shabbat שבת. G-d created the world in six days and on the seventh He “rested”… Read More »ZAYIN


Let’s look at the Waw/ Vav ו The waw has the sound “w” as in “way”. The gematria is 6. A first association we can make is with the 6 days of creation. It took 6 days to sheep this physical world. Man was created on the 6th day and… Read More »WAW


Let’s look at the Heh/ hei/ hey ה The Heh has the sound “h” as in “hay”. The gematria is 5. The sound of ה is a mere exhalation of breaht, it requires little effort. It is with this letter that Hashem created this world as we can understand from… Read More »HEH


By now we have learned the letters of Aleph, Bet and Gimel. Now let’s look at the Daled ד The Daled has the sound of “d” as in “day”. . The gematria is 4. Before the Daled is the Gimel ג and after the Daled is the Heh ה, and… Read More »DALED


Last time, we learned the ג of gimel. We already know the lamed ל. This time we are going to look at the mem מם . The letter mem has two forms, the common form מ and the form as it occurs at the end of a word. The mem-sofit… Read More »MEM


From the Aleph-Beis, we learnt the Aleph and the Bet. We now turn to the third letter of the Alepf-Beis: the Gimel ג The Gimel has the sound of “g” as in “dog”. We already recognise the last letter as the Lamed. The middle letter of the word is the… Read More »GIMEL


The last letter (22) of the Aleph-Beis is the letter Tav, which is also the last letter of the letter Bet, about which we learnt about in the blog on the Bet. And the last letter is the wav ו, the letter we saw in the blog about the Yud.… Read More »TAV


The 10th letter of the Aleph-Beis is the Yud We saw this letter in the previous blog of the letter bet in the word “house” Beit – בַּיִת. The second letter is the wav ו and the third letter is the dalet ד It has the sound of y as… Read More »YUD


The 2nd letter of the Aleph-Beis is the Bet It has the sound of b when you see a dagesh – a dot – in de middle of the letter. It has the sound of v without the dagesh. There are two dots under the bet. These are called tseree… Read More »BET


The 17th letter of the Aleph-Beis is the Peh. It is the third letter we saw, in the first blog, in the word “aleph”. The name Peh is related to the word Lamad – פֶּה which means mouth. The second letter of the word is the heh – ה The… Read More »PEH