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Home » Tehillim Psalms 62:3,7 – We Always Get up When we Fall

Tehillim Psalms 62:3,7 – We Always Get up When we Fall

Tuesday 10 Shevat 5783 (02.02.23)

Do we Always Get up When we Fall?

אַךְ־ה֣וּא צ֭וּרִי וִישׁוּעָתִ֑י מִ֝שְׂגַּבִּ֗י לֹא־אֶמּ֥וֹט רַבָּֽה׃

אַךְ־ה֣וּא צ֭וּרִי וִישׁוּעָתִ֑י מִ֝שְׂגַּבִּ֗י לֹ֣א אֶמּֽוֹט׃

“He alone is my Rock and He alone is my Salvation; He is my Stronghold, and I will therefore not stumble too greatly.

He alone is my Rock and He alone is my Salvation: He is my Stronghold and I will never falter.”

Not Stumble too Greatly

All challenges in life come from HaShem, not to make us fail, but to make us stronger, to make us grow. HaShem does not give challenges that we could not face, we may make mistakes in carrying them out, we may stumble, but the challenges are such that we can get up 1 time, 2 times, 7 times, but we will be able to get up with HaShem’s help.

I Will Never Falter

Arising with HaShem’s help, but then we will have to ask Him for it. When we face challenges that seem too difficult for us, mountains we cannot climb, we turn to Him in prayer and ask for His help. He will always answer an honest and sincere prayer. It is for this reason that we know we will succeed in any challenges that lie ahead.

Prayer during Challenging Times

The following Tehillim can be said in times of need:

20, 83, 91, 121, 130, 142 and 144.

Of course, you may always express your needs to HaShem in your own words as well.

Tehillim 20

A song composed by King David for the choirmaster in the Holy Temple.

King David tells: G-d should answer your prayers on the day of your difficulty; may the name of the G-d of Jacob strengthen you.

May G-d send your help from the Sanctuary of the Temple, and support you from Zion (Jerusalem).

May He remember all your flouroferrings, and always accept your burnt-offerings favorably*

May He give you what your heart desires; may He fulfill all of your advice – may the advice you gve people be good, and may all your ideas be succesful.

G-d, we will sing with you in Your salvation. In the name of our G-d, we will raise flags of victory. May G-d fulfill all of your needs – everything you ask for.

When all of these good things happen everyone will say, “Now I know that G-d has saved His antoined one, King David. He has answered him from His holy heavens, with the mighty saving powers of His right hand.”

Some rely on chariots to win wars, and others rely on horses, but we, the Jewish Nation and the Bnei Noah, rely only on G-d. We call out in the name of the L-rd, our G-d, for help.

Our enemies bend over and fall down, but we rise and stand strong. Save us, G-d. May the King of the universe answer us on the day we call out to Him.

We Always Get up When we Fall, Because HaShem Raises us Up.

By Angelique Sijbolts

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