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Home » 7 Adar 5783 – Be an Emissaray

7 Adar 5783 – Be an Emissaray

Tuesday 7 Adar 5783 – 28 february 2023

It is important and necessary for us Bnei Israel and Bnei Noach to know that we are emissaries of Hashem.

Important because when you know that you are an emissary you also know that you must properly research, learn and understand what Hashem wants from you, and what your task is. Ask Him what He wants from you, and ask Him to help you carry it out.

Necessary because it is up to us to build a sanctuary, a dwelling place, for Hashem here on earth. Hashem wants to be here with us, near, not far. This was the whole purpose of creation, a place where He can enter into a relationship with us, a place where He can show us His essence.

Creation must be full of the light of Torah, because Torah will help us understand His Essence a little, and creation must be full of Avoda.

Avoda is working for Hashem in joy. This working is done by performing practical mitzvot: prayer, saying brachot, learning, attention to neighbour, attention to creation and by refining your own character traits. How to learn to be less likely to be angry, to be patient, to have empathy for your neighbour, and many more things that each person can fill in for themselves.

When we do our avoda in joy and increase this, we are true emissaries of Hashem. Will people notice our behaviour and attitude and become curious. Will they open up, Be “Ezrat Hashem, and also want to start or deepen that relationship with Him.

By Angelique Sijbolts

Sources: HaYom Yom

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