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Don’t Work For a Reward

Develop yourself to the best of your ability

Antigonus, leader of Socho, received the tradition from Shimon the Righteous. He used to say; Be not like servants who serve their master for the sake of receiving a reward; instead be like servants who serve their master not for the sake of receiving a reward. And let the awe of Heaven be upon you.

(Pirkei Avot 1:3)

When you do good deeds because you want to receive good things from G-d, what happens when you think you are not receiving what you are “entitled” to? It will make your good deeds diminish.

When you know that all the good you receive comes from G-d you are grateful to Him and you will love Him and want to live according to His will. Which means you want to be a true Image Bearer of G-d. You will want to do good deeds because He is doing good to you.

Even when you do not see Him doing good to you, because it is hidden, you will want to do good deeds just because you love Him, and not because you are being paid.

By Angelique Sijbolts

Sources: Pirkei Avot

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