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Home » The obligation to protect other people’s belonings – Don’t steal an Idea or Word

The obligation to protect other people’s belonings – Don’t steal an Idea or Word

The Obligation to protect other people’s belongings

The prohibition of theft

You hear a great idea from someone and you spread this idea as your idea, this is a form of stealing.

Rabbi Yeshayahu Horowitz writes, “One should repeat Torah ideas in the name of the person who originally said it, for the theft of such ideas is worse than the theft of money.”

You can extend this to all the good ideas someone has. If you “sell” someone’s good ideas as your ideas, you are stealing someone’s honor, the credit given to you belongs to the other.

Pirkei Avot 1:13 says; “one who seeks a name, loses his name”.

The general principle: whoever prides himself becomes disappointed. For he thinks that if he runs after honor, people will honor him and if he conducts himself with humility people will debase him.

Give glory to the man to whom it belongs But it is really the opposite. One who seeks humility will find honor, while one who seeks honor will find shame.

Give glory to the man to whom it belongs.

By Angelique Sijbolts

Sources: The Divine Code by rabbi Moshe Weiner 4e edition p. 487, Chabad Article: The Laws of Stealing – ,itzvahs & Traditions, Pirkei Avot

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