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Home » The obligation to protect other people’s belonings – I took a paperclib, so what…

The obligation to protect other people’s belonings – I took a paperclib, so what…

The Obligation to protect other people’s belongings

The prohibition of theft

It seems logical, what is yours is yours and what is mine is mine.

In “The Divine Code” this Mitzvah occupies more space than the others. Theft happens faster than you think. Taking someone’s car is obvious, but is a paperclip from your boss so bad? What about if you take someone’s idea or damage reputation, is that theft?

The prohibition of theft is unique in that it affects almost every aspect of a person’s life, since humans are social beings who must deal with each other continuously, in buying, selling, exchanging, etc….The focus of this commandment is to accept and honor another person, his needs, and his possessions.

The consequences of theft are enormous. The decree of annihilation of the generation of the Flood was only sealed because they committed rampant theft, even though they were very sinful with respect to alle of their divine commandments as it says (Gen. 6:13), “The end of all flesh has come before Me because the world is full of robbery, and behold, I will destroy the world.”

Have respect for all other people’s possessions.

By Angelique Sijbolts

Sources: The Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner and Dr. Michael Schulman

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