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Sukkat Shalom B'nei Noach



Rabbi Nachman teaches,

“Today if you will but listen to His voice!” (Psalms 95:7).

Think only about the present day and the present moment. When someone wants to serve G-d, he may see it as a heavy burden. But if you remember that you have only today, it won’t be such a burden. Don’t push off serving G-d from one day to the next, saying, “I’ll start tomorrow – tomorrow I’ll pray with real devotion.”

All we have is the present day and the present moment. Tomorrow is a whole different world.

“Today if you will but listen to His voice!” (Psalms 95:7) . Today!!!

Likutey Moharan I, 272

May it be a joyous week!

With permission taken over from: Daily Dose Of Rabbi Nachman

Follow the link for more “Daily Dose of Rabbi Nachman”

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