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Sukkat Shalom B'nei Noach




בס”ד Before he was a leader of the Jewish people, Moshe was a shepherd. The Midrash tells how one day, while Moshe was grazing Yitro’s cattle in the Sinai desert, a little lamb ran away from the flock. Moshe chased it until it reached a spring and began to drink.… Read More »LEADERSHIP


בס”ד The Torah enumerates and defines many forms of punishment for sinners and offenders, from simple fines to lashes and even capital punishment. However, it nowhere suggests imprisonment as a form of punishment.This is because the purpose of existence is to establish a dwelling place for G-d in this world,… Read More »THE PRISON


בס”ד There are sparks of light hidden in this world. Some, you can find and release. When you accomplish “Conoce a Di-s en todos tus caminos”, finding Him in everything you do, those sparks jump out on you and their light is released. But there are also sparks of much… Read More »CHALLENGE


בס”ד The world is a parable, two simultaneous stories, superimposed one on top of the other. On the outside, it’s the story of a monster called reality, with its intimidating army of friends and beasts, madness and vanity. On the inside, it’s the story of Him, only with you, and… Read More »THE PARABLE


בס”ד There are many kinds of barriers: internal and external barriers. Barriers between people. Barriers that prevent you from doing good deeds. Barriers of your own mind and your own doubts. There are barriers that simply exist because you are a limited being. Joy breaks down all barriers. By Rabbi… Read More »JOY


בס”ד Your true place is one of light. Even if you find yourself in the midst of darkness and sorrow, you must remember that this is not your home.Your essential being consists of an unbreakable bond with the Source of Light. From there it extends a radiance of itself downwards… Read More »STAYING UP


בס”ד I agree with the heretics. The god they hate so much does not exist: a god who looks through the clouds at a world he once made, and plays with it from the heavens, like a child plays in the sand…Such a god is just another plaything of Man.… Read More »HERESY


בס”ד By creating the entire universe, G-d made forces that reveal Him and forces that oppose Him: He made light and darkness. Whoever does good brings more light. Whoever fails, feeds the darkness.But whoever fails and then returns, transcends that scheme. He reaches directly to G-d’s Essence. Beyond darkness and… Read More »RETURNING LIGHT


בס”ד Just as some people refuse to see their flaws, there are those who insist on digging too deep, chasing themselves for every mistake and making unreasonable demands on their lives. They eventually collapse in exhaustion or, worse, rebel with resentment.That’s why no one should be alone. Everyone needs a… Read More »THE MENTOR


בס”ד It is not true that Avraham and Moshe brought to the world the ideas of morality and the value of life. These ideas were known to Adam and Noach – only that, over time, humanity had almost forgotten about them.What these giants brought to the world was an even… Read More »THE SOURCE